spider silk 如何传播?

spider silk 如何传播?

Spider silk is a protein secreted by spiders for various purposes, including constructing webs, catching prey, and mating.

The process by which spider silk is produced is complex and involves multiple steps.

1. Gland Secretory Pathway:

  • Spiders have specialized glands called spinnerets that secrete a clear, viscous fluid called spider silk.
  • The spinnerets are located on the spider's abdomen, and silk is produced by specialized cells called sericin glands.

2. Protein Folding and Assembly:

  • The spinneret fluid contains a protein called sericin, which is a secreted protein that helps to regulate silk production.
  • When the spinneret is stimulated, sericin binds to a protein called fibroin, which is a precursor protein for silk.
  • The fibroin is then folded into a long, insoluble protein called spider silk polypeptide.

3. Silk Nucleation and Deposition:

  • The spider silk polypeptide is then transported from the spinneret to the deposition site, which is usually the tip of the spider's abdomen.
  • The silk polypeptide is deposited into the spider's silk glands, where it undergoes polymerization and cross-linking with other silk proteins to form a strong and durable silk filament.

4. Silk Remodeling and Renewal:

  • Once the spider silk has been deposited, it undergoes remodeling and renewal.
  • The silk protein is constantly broken down and replaced, and new silk is produced to maintain the strength and integrity of the web or other structures made of spider silk.

5. Silk Properties and Functions:

  • Spider silk is a strong, transparent protein with excellent tensile strength and elasticity.
  • It is also resistant to heat, moisture, and degradation by enzymes.
  • Spider silk is used in various applications, including textiles, medical devices, and aerospace composites.